
B32 WhyMe englisch Titel

B 32. Buch Erika Schuchardt:

ISBN 2825414360

Why me? Learning to Live in Crises

The Result of a Study of Live Stories covering a Century.
With Bibliography of more than 2000 Life Stories from 1900 to the Present, • alphabetical • classificated • annotated. With 20 illustrations and 12 diagrams, World Council of Churches, WCC. Geneva 2006, p.147, 14,80 € - . Awarded the Prize for Literature. E-Book with bibliography (german edition p.187-361): www.wcc-coe.org/wcc/news/pubs/why-me-bibliog.htm

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B32 WhyMe englisch Rueck

By analyzing over 2000 life-histories covering a century, and through her decades of experience in crisis counselling, the author has discovered a way to work through crisis which she describes here - illustrated by the image of the ascending spiral. She also draws our attention to people who support others in their crises and are themselves changed in the process, becoming able to live their lives creatively and actively. With the publication in English translation of Dr Erika Schuchardt's prize-winning book Why Me? Learning to Live in Crises (Warum gerade ich? Leben lernen in Krisen), this web page was established to preserve reference materials from "Bibliography of over 2000 life stories" from 1900 to now that appeared at the close of the original German text and have not been included in the English version.